Wednesdays At the Church (WATCH)

For some, this season is filled with lots of late spring activities – sports and school events and other pastimes that mean we can do more with the longer days. Why not plan to enjoy a meal together on Wednesday nights at the Church? Dinner service begins at 5:00 and usually wraps up around 6:30. For a suggested donation of $5 you can get a delicious meal and then join us for social time, or one of the many events that are happening that evening.

General Schedule

4:00pm: Handbells set up (Fireside Room)

5:00-6:30:  Supper by donation (Gathering Space)

5:00: Children’s Choirs (Upstairs)

5:30: Handbell Choir Rehearsal

5:45: Adult Study Group (Conference Room)

6:30: Confirmation (Sheep’s Pen)

7:15: Choir Rehearsal (Choir Loft) – Note Children’s Choir is off until the Fall

In May the Adult Study Group will be looking at three of the social statements of the ELCA. ELCA social statements are teaching and policy documents that provide broad frameworks to assist us in thinking about and discussing social issues in the context of faith and life. They are meant to help communities and individuals with moral formation, discernment and thoughtful engagement with current social issues as we participate in God’s work in the world. Social statements also set policy for the ELCA and guide its advocacy and work as a publicly engaged church. They result from an extensive process of participation and deliberation and are adopted by a two-thirds vote of an ELCA churchwide assembly.

While an hour won’t provide enough time for a deep dive, it will give us some framework to understand how our denomination and faith guide us as we think about topics that impact our life together.

The statements we will consider are:

  • May 1: Civic Life and Faith (This is a draft statement, so we will have the opportunity to offer feedback
    to the ELCA Churchwide Organization)
  • May 8: Gun Related Violence and Trauma (This is a draft statement, so we will have the opportunity to
    offer feedback to the ELCA Churchwide Organization)
  • May 15: Caring for Creation: Vision, Hope, and Justice

Please Note that Wednesday Night dinners conclude for the program year on May 15th .