
The crafting of beautiful quilts is a long standing tradition at Gloria Dei. We have two groups of dedicated members and friends who quilt together on Tuesday mornings at Gloria Dei – the Knotty Quilters, and the Friendship Quilters.

Knotty Quilters in Luther Hall

The Knotty Quilters meet at 9:00am in Luther Hall and make quilts for Lutheran World Relief. Once completed, these quilts are sent to various regions around the world providing comfort, warmth, and sometimes even shelter for those in need. The group uses sheets for quilt bottoms, filling for the middle, and then add a top layer.  This can be a sheet, a top made from different pieces of fabric, or even a lovely big piece of fabric.  The quilters set these layers out on a raised table, and then tie the pieces together with crochet thread. The great part is… you don’t even know how to quilt to join the group!  

The Knotty Quilters usually take a mid-morning break for coffee and snacks, and usually finish up around 11:30.

Friendship Quilters in the Fireside Room

The Friendship Quilters meet at 9:30am in the Fireside Room, and focus on hand quilting. Typically the quilts they work on are raffled, with proceeds going to special projects at Gloria Dei.  They also do hand quilting by request, with funds earned going to Gloria Dei special projects.  If you have an heirloom quilt top, the Friendship Quilters will be more than happy to evaluate your quilt and give you a price for hand quilting. With a break for lunch and visiting, this group often quilts until 2:00pm. 

All are welcome to join either group.. even if you have never quilted or pushed a needle through some fabric!  They will teach you!  The quilters love to share their sewing skills and cherish the friendships that comes with sewing and chatting together.