We LOVE kids at Gloria Dei! And children are welcome in all aspects of worship and community life — wiggles, giggles, noises, questions and all! In fact, Gloria Dei prioritizes ministry with children and cultivates an environment where we hope that children feel welcome and at home. There are numerous ways in which your children can become involved in church, from weekly Sunday School classes during the school year (between our two services), specific children’s music ministries, Wednesday Night fun, and our much adored Children’s Musical!

All are welcome! You are invited to check it out!
Children in Worship:
Children of all ages are welcome to participate in all parts of worship, including receiving communion. Please feel free to talk with Deacon Beth or our pastor with any questions you or your children have. When children are in fourth grade there is a special time of learning about communion with Deacon Beth (one of our Milestone Ministries).
To parents of Young Children: Relax! 😎
God put the wiggle in children; don’t feel you have to suppress those wiggles in God’s house. Here are some idea’s to help parents with children at church:
- Consider sitting toward the front in worship where it is easier for your little ones to engage.
- Quietly explain the parts of the service and actions of the pastors, musicians and leaders.
- Sing the hymns and songs, pray and voice the responses. Children learn behavior by mimicking you.
- If you have to leave the worship space with your child, feel free to do so, but please come back. As Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.”
- Worship activity bags are available and are located across from the restrooms. Children are invited to “build” their own bag with items of their choice to support their worship experience.
- At the time of this writing nursery care is not yet available post-covid. Infants and young children are most certainly welcome in worship. Noises and all.
- The entrance to the main sanctuary has a nursery cart offering some extra wiggle room for children when needed.
Click here for More Information about Sunday School and how to Register.
Volunteer to Help with Youth Activities
Part of the baptismal promises we make as individuals and as a congregation are to teach our children and youth about the word of God. There are many ways to help with these promises and help is always needed. Be part of the growing number of volunteers helping with this vibrant ministry with children, youth, and families. It feels so good to help. Not only do you bless others, but you get blessed in return. Help with a one-time event, for a few weeks, behind the scenes, or for the year! There’s an option that fits your schedule, and activities that will bring you joy.
to use your gifts in Ministry to Children & Families:
• Be a Shepherd (Shepherds do not teach. They support learning, community building, and provide pastoral care for children.)
• Be part of an Education Support Team
• Collect & Count the Sunday school offering on Sunday mornings.
• Be part of the Godly Play Team working with PreK & K.
• Be part of the Sunbeams Team working with Three Year olds.